Opening Concert


Tue, 01 Aug 2023 07:30pm


Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM), Concert Hall

Join us for an exciting opening to the Global Youth Orchestra (GYO) festival 2023

As we embark on the GYO journey, witness loved ones, fellow musicians, and aspiring talents, converging on the same musical path. Music transcends cultural barriers and geographical distances, uniting us together with its universal language.

Presenting the Opening Concert:
Featuring orchestras from around the world, these performances celebrate the diversity of cultures and musical styles, harmoniously blended into a singular artistic expression.

Join us for the GYO Opening Concert, where music transcends boundaries and unites hearts. Secure your seats today for this unforgettable musical experience! Limited seats available!


Download the E-Program Booklet Here


Registration Form

Thank you for participating! We look forward to your presence in future events.
