Benefits of GSF Membership


To set curated stages for all musicians to showcase their talents. Such exposure empowers musicians to discover the multifaceted nature of music, crafting a progressive and extensive experience.


By providing platforms and opportunities to make accessible strings education and resources to all. Therefore, bringing about a unique musical journey that enriches our perspective and inspires us to become the best versions of ourselves.


To unite like-minded musicians to bridge the gap between arts and the community by organising activities that give back to society. The passion and enthusiasm driven communal spirit will inspire and motivate each other to new heights, establishing invaluable networks and access to resources.


We believe that music is a lifestyle that embodies passion and purpose. Through our activities, we create a movement that aligns our values, to support causes and use music as a vehicle for positive change.

Membership Type

Basic Membership

Pricing FREE
Account Feature
  • Pre-event & Post-event materials (FAQs, e-cert, media content)
  • Event history
  • Full year schedule of diverse events

VIP Membership

Pricing S$ 60 per year
Account Feature Bonus
  • Fee waivers & discounts
  • Exclusive access to all GSF events
  • Priority & early access to all GSF events

GSF Events

Connecting you with valuable learning and performing opportunities

For Invited Only

Aug 7, 2024 2024 Global Art Festival Gala Concert (VIP)

  28 participants to date

For Invited Only

Aug 7, 2024 2024 Global Art Festival Gala Concert

  50 participants to date

For Invited Only

Aug 13, 2024 GSF Singapore Festival 2024

  121 participants to date